How to rename yourself in Zoom

Use your first and last name. If you are sharing a screen, include all of your names or abbreviations if all the names won't fit.


Screenshots from the Classroom

You must complete your Intro Class before you can complete the online homework 

Menu sidebar description to help students open the side bar.

This is how you open the side bar to see the classroom topics.

Open course index description
If you hover your mouse over the hamburger bar, you will see "open course index" -- click on it to open the side bar.

Grades tab
You can see the menu now on the side, as well as the week topics. To see your grades, click on the "Grades" tab in the middle of the screen, below the name of the course you are in.

Once you click the "Grades" tab, you will see your assignments and forums listed on the left, the grade column in the center, and the feedback on the right. If your work has a green box next to it, it does not need revision. If it is red, please revise. This example does not need revision.

Assignment edit icon
To edit an assignment, click on the Week you need to revise (in this example, the Week 3 assignment was chosen), and click on the pencil icon to open your work and revise.

Request CHW credential
Please request your CHW credential after you have completed everything in the course. This signals to your instructor you are ready to receive your credential. You can only download this once all of your work has been graded and is satisfactory.

Forgot password
If you have forgotten your password, click on the text circled in red above. This will only work if you have already had a student account created for you, which is done by the NVCHWA Program Manager about a week before a class cohort begins.

This screenshot shows how to create a new password if you have forgotten yours or if it is your first time logging in.
After you click "First Time Here?" on the previous screen, you will be directed to this screen. Type the email address you used to register for the CHW class into the box that is circled. An email will be sent to you with further instructions.

Again, resetting your password will only work if you already have a student account created for you. If you are attempting to login more than a week before your class starts, you will not have a student account yet. The NVCHWA Program Manager creates student accounts generally the week before a cohort begins.

Last modified: Tuesday, April 2, 2024, 11:48 AM